Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What Has Been Going On... Everything but BE

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be writing here because individually, I haven't been working on anything. Everything has been a group project. That's where I've been putting my time and energy.

I'm having mixed feeling about the cold. I loved seeing it snow (first time!) and I don't mind the cold if I'm layered correctly, but I'm not such a fan of being outside when it snows. The snow lands on your face and melts, freezing your face and any other exposed body surface. I think I like warm areas better, but since I chose this school, I'm gonna have to get used to cold winters.

I have started studying for finals (which are in a week! aghhh) Its A LOT of information. I'm sorta surprised that i learned all this in only one semester. But now i have to just sit down and do all the problems that I have been assigned. that's the problem. I haven't been doing that. So I'm making a finals resolution: Stop procrastinating and do your work! Now, if only I could follow that.

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